As I sit and ponder this wonderful thing we call music, I cannot help but think that music is like a set of dentures. How, you may ask, is music like a set of dentures? There are many reasons.
a. Dentures are made up of many parts – each tooth unique, with its own particular function – yet they work together for a common goal. In the same way, music can be made from many instruments, many notes, many sounds, yet they all work together in harmony.
b. A head with out teeth is like a world without music. There is just something missing.
c. A band needs a director to keep them together. Without a director, nothing would be accomplished. A set of dentures sitting on the table may be fine and dandy, but they don’t get a whole lot done. A mouth comes in handy when trying to get some use out of dentures.
d. Music enriches the world. Dentures also enhance the digestive system. It is better to chew an eggplant than to try swallowing it whole.
The world is a better place because of both music and dentures. Where would we be without them? |