Uvulas. Why do we have them? What are they good for? Who really cares? Today we explore the mysteries surrounding our small, fleshy friend the uvula: a body part not forgotten.
The history of the uvula is an exciting and intriguing one. They were first discovered by Thor Uvulon around 3500 BC when he accidentally got his head stuck in his father’s mouth as a small child. Since that time man has sought to research, examine, and use the uvula to its full potential.
In ancient Greece, athletes tried again and again to get various uvula events added to the Olympic games without success. Among the favorites were the uvula stretch, the uvula weight lifting competition, uvula figure dangling, and the ever popular teammate toss in which an athlete would see how far he could throw his partner after swinging him around by the uvula.
In early England uvulas were used as weapons of war. Knights would stand facing each other while an official “uvulee” would tie their uvulas together. The warriors would them run backwards until finally the weaker uvula would give out – much like the modern custom of pulling on a wishbone.
Uvula research was promptly put to an end in the early 1700’s when Professor Einrich VonViegleroch got his uvula stuck to a frozen flagpole in an experiment. Since then, the uvula has been reduced to mere decoration. |