Greetings and Salutations!

How are you all doing?  We're just fine.  Lovely weather we're having, isn't it.  Is that a new shirt?  Oh it looks lovely.

It's tooth season in the Zenz household.  Lily is getting her first.  Isaac lost his first.  We are trying to convince Gracie to stop using hers on Lily and Isaac.

Lily (aka Traveling Buddy)
She's a'moving.  She's everywhere, racing around as fast as her knees can take her.  She gets stuck under tables and chairs.  She pulls her self up on couches, beds, bathtubs, and human heads. She loves to seek out and consume anything small white and fuzzy.  She is the founder, president, and most active member of the Daddy Fan Club. She loves to sing.  She loves to kiss.  She cannot clap her hands worth beans.

Gracie (aka Gracelet)
Gracie started taking dance classes this fall.  A little ballet, a little tap, a little tumbling...  She must be a favorite in the class, because the teachers sure say her name a lot.  And when she's done with a somersault, she's the only kid who remembers to throw her arms up and say, "ta-da."  Only, hers is more like, "TAH-DAAAAAA!!!!" with a giant grin and great Gracie gusto.

Isaac (aka PeterPan, Spiderman, RobinHood, oh there's too many...)
Isaac started Kindergarten this year with Mom homeschooling.  He (and she) are doing great!  They've conquered the dreadful 6 vs. 9 identity issues.  They've mastered the sound of the letter 'x.'  Pledge of allegiance, no problem. (Okay, slight problem with "repuglic")  He's definitely at the top of his class.  I look forward to parent-teacher conferences.

Mom (sometimes aka Amity)
Beautiful. Lovely. Sweet. Clever. A great, great joy.

Dogs in Hats:
Three new Dogs in Hats sticker books have gone into many Targets!  Look for Baby Animals, Girls Only, and Make a Face - all of which I had some part in creating.
Sixteen,  count 'em,  sixteen new,  yes that's right NEW,  books can now be found in Rite Aid!  There are 5 sticker books, 2 paint with water books (both by me), 4 color and activity books (my cover art), one color-by-number book, 2 mini-sticker books ('Girls Only' by me), and 2 PuppyDog Tales storybooks: "Little House Hotel" and "Tractor Mac."  Whew, I'm exhausted!

Well, that's all from us...  Adieu and Farewell!

Aaron and the Zenzes